There are literally hundreds of diverse things that anyone can do to earn themselves extra money, irrespective of age or particular skills. They aren't necessarily all easy money and none of them is likely to make you rich just by doing them alone, however when you start to encompass a few of them regularly as well as your main source of income, they can really start to make a difference, and can mean you have a little to put away as savings every month rather then living paycheck to paycheck.
To begin with there are plenty of ways to earn extra money on the Internet from a diverse range or sources. Firstly there is writing online articles which then accrue money for every person that views them. Although helium is probably the best site that have come across there are several others available that follow a similar system for the most part, including Epinions, Associated content and Triond. There are also sites that are specifically catered toward poetry and reviews rather then a diverse range of articles if this is more suited to you're writing style.
Helium differs in that it is more personal for the most part and more of a community, which is probably better for aspiring writers starting out. Aside form the competitions, selling articles to publishers and the page views sites like this can also provide you with an excellent online portfolio for prospective employers to refer to when you go for any kind of writing job from a one off commissioned piece to a regular position as a permanent columnist for a magazine for example.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
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